如何像专业人士一样做 WordPress SEO? (完整指南)
已发表: 2020-09-29WordPress 的 SEO 友好性是在此 CMS 中构建如此多网站的主要原因之一。 在 SEO 性能方面,WordPress 开箱即用。 与其他流行的 CMS 相比, WordPress非常灵活,并且支持许多功能,这些功能可以让您在搜索引擎上排名靠前。
但是,仅仅使用 WordPress 启动一个网站并不能使您登陆 Google 的首页。 您需要了解出色的 SEO 需要大量的汗水,而不是快速的游戏。 有数百个SEO 清单需要仔细实施。 但是,好消息是使用 WordPress,所有这些事情都变得更易于管理。
您应该知道 WordPress为整个互联网 CMS 的 43.3% 以上提供支持,并且增长速度比以往任何时候都快。 让我告诉你,你经常浏览的网站,如BBC America 、 TechCrunch 、 Sony Music 、 MTV News 、The Official Star War Blog 、 The New York Times ,都采用了 WordPress 技术。
早在 2003 年作为博客平台推出时,WordPress 随着时间的推移变得更加灵活和强大,到现在,它也已发展成为最成功的电子商务解决方案之一。 现在可以使用数百个完全灵活的 WordPress 电子商务插件,让您创建一个您可以想象的在线商店。
为什么 WordPress 是 SEO 友好网站的更好选择?

- 作为 CMS 的 WordPress 具有大量遵循最佳 SEO 实践指南的功能,可让您的优化之旅更加舒适。
- WordPress 专为注重内容的网站而设计,并考虑到 SEO 和 UX
- 大量指南和资源可帮助您改进 WordPress 网站 SEO
- 几乎所有可以想象的工具或插件都可以在 WordPress 中使用,它们可以真正使您的 SEO 过程变得轻而易举。
什么是 WordPress 搜索引擎优化?
让我澄清一下,WordPress 本身不是 SEO 解决方案或 SEO 助推器,而是遵循标准 SEO 实践的 CMS,可帮助您对网站执行更好的 SEO。 如果您还没有准备好把手弄脏,请不要指望 WordPress 是灵丹妙药。 在您工作之前,WordPress 将无法工作。
如果您不具备必要的技术技能,并且仍然想让您的 SEO 脱颖而出,那么 WordPress 是不可思议的。 在这种情况下,WordPress 具有易于使用的功能,可帮助您在平台上实现增长驱动细节。
在您的 WordPress 网站上进行 SEO 的好处

随着数以百万计的网站在网络上竞争,搜索引擎优化比以往任何时候都更加重要。 获得流量、获得更多潜在客户、吸引品牌、销售产品以及接触目标客户,一切都可以通过 SEO 变得简单有效。 通过为 WordPress 网站制定适当的 SEO 策略,您可以:
- 出现在 Google 等搜索引擎的搜索结果页面顶部。
- 改善网站的用户体验和可用性。
- 提高信任度和品牌知名度。 与付费广告相比,人们更信任自然结果。
- 在竞争中保持领先并产生更多收入。
开始使用 WordPress SEO
在您开始在您的网站上进行实际的 SEO 实施之前,我建议您确保满足以下基础知识:
你有一个可靠的 wordPress 主机
确保您的主机在速度、正常运行时间、性能和安全性方面可靠,因为这些因素会影响您的 SEO 分数。 花时间分析您的托管服务提供商并获取有关您正在使用的托管服务的足够详细信息。
比较 2020 年最佳 WordPress 主机
您的 WordPress 主题对 SEO 友好
从字面上看,有数以千计的 WordPress 主题可用。 从 WordPress 官方存储库到私人市场,您可以找到很棒的主题。
新的免费主题会定期添加到 WordPress 主题存储库中。
它们可供所有人免费使用。 免费主题仅限于功能和支持。 如果您不想在功能、安全性和性能方面妥协,我建议您选择高级主题。 您可以在 Theme Forest 和 Envato 等市场找到大量优质主题。
找到很棒的免费 WordPress 主题和高级 SEO 友好主题的集合。
就 WordPress SEO 而言,插件非常受欢迎。 在深入了解 SEO 之前,您应该安装并激活一个 SEO 插件。 您可以从下面的列表中选择并安装一个:
SEO Yoast:免费使用,但高级版具有更高级的功能。
多合一 SEO 包:免费使用,但专业包为您提供更多选择。
快速提问,SEO 插件有什么作用?
您应该记住,插件不会优化我们的网站或解决您的 SEO 问题:它只会让您轻松完成优化任务。 SEO 的成功取决于您的能力和解决方法。
逐步在 WordPress 页面和帖子上执行 SEO

您的页面或帖子的标题应该足够吸引人和大胆以吸引访问者的注意力。 写得不好的标题会降低点击率(点击率),因为它们无法引起访问者的好奇心。 CTR 对你的 SEO 有很大的影响,带有清晰粗体信息的优化标题可以在很大程度上提高 CTR。

Google 通常会显示标题标签的前50-60个字符。 因此,建议您的标题长度低于 60 个字符。 尝试在标题文本中包含您的主要关键字,但前提是它有意义。
描述是在搜索结果页面中显示在标题下方的一段或一行文本。 通常,描述文本最长为 160 个字符。 你应该以一种唤起好奇心的方式来写它。 如果您未能让他们进入您的火车,您将无法运送您的访客。 一个很好的描述将使故事继续下去。

焦点关键字是您希望帖子排名的搜索词。 通过选择焦点关键字,您可以告诉搜索引擎您的内容与该特定术语相关。
对于这篇文章,我选择了 “ WordPress SEO Guide ”作为我的重点关键词。 通过查看这句话,您将能够了解整个内容都是基于 WordPress SEO 的。
将您的帖子链接到同一网站的不同页面/帖子是内部链接,而将您的页面/帖子与其他网站连接意味着外部链接。 这两种链接对于更好的排名都是至关重要的。 :
- 页面的相关性;
- 同一网站的页面之间的关系;
- 页面的价值。
- 并且,页面的权限
没有人喜欢以 wiki 格式阅读您的博客文章。 通过将其分解为适当的标题和副标题,使其干净且具有交互性。
以基于 H1、H2、H3 ......等的层次顺序维护您的内容。 建议在主标题中使用关键字,但强行插入它们不是一个好主意。

优化图像对于快速加载网站和创造更好的用户体验非常重要。 错误使用的图片不仅会影响网站的性能,还会损害整体内容的印象。 这样做可以优化您的图像:
- 为图像文件指定适当的名称
- 对所有图像使用 alt 属性。 尝试在 alt 属性中包含您的关键字并使其对 SEO 友好。
- 调整图像大小并压缩图像以使其重量轻
- 创建最能反映您的内容的自定义图像。

创建易于阅读的正确 slug。 当你写一个好的 slug 时,它会以不同的方式影响你的 SEO。 一个好的 slug 应该包含您的主要关键字并且看起来对用户友好。 通常,最好不要在 slug 中包含虚词。 将您的 slug 文本保持为小写,并使其简短而甜美。
以正确的方式使用关键字与使用正确的关键字同样重要。 您的关键字不应该在一个地方杂乱无章。 在整个内容中均匀分布关键字非常重要。
为您的 WordPress 网站创建 XML 站点地图
Yoast SEO 插件会自动为您的网站创建 XML 站点地图。 确保站点地图选项被选中“开启”。 转到 www.yourwebsite.com/sitemap_index.xml 查看 Yoast 生成的站点地图。
一旦你有一个 XML 站点地图,你可以从站点地图验证器验证你的站点地图

注册 Google Search Console
使用 Google Search Console(以前的 Google 网站管理员工具)注册非常重要。 它可以帮助您深入了解索引、爬网、站点的健康状况和其他有用的指标。
注册 Google Search Console 并查找所有内容以了解控制台仪表板中可用的内容。

借助Google Analytics(分析)工具,您可以详细分析您网站的访问者、指标和性能。 它是一个免费工具,可提供足够的洞察力来调整您的业务或网站以使其取得成功。
立即注册 Google Analytics 并开始跟踪您的访问者和绩效。
Google Analytics for WordPress 还有其他一些替代方案。
- 怪物洞察
- 精确指标
- 喷气背包
您可能还想阅读:如何在不使用插件的情况下将 Google Analytics 添加到 WordPress

您可以选择允许 Google 漫游器为您的网站编制索引或限制它们为您的整个网站编制索引。 确保您的索引已启用。 这是仪表板中的一个小设置。

当您在互联网上时,速度很重要。 加载速度慢的网站意味着更高的跳出率、更低的转化率和低搜索排名。 当您的网站加载速度过慢时,观众会失去耐心并离开您的网站去寻找性能更好的网站,只需点击一下即可。
幸运的是,WordPress 提供了许多通过优化速度来加快网站加载速度的方法。
优化 WordPress 网站速度的最佳方法是:
- 使用速度优化插件,如 WProcket、WP 最快缓存、WP Minify、WP SuperCache、Lazy Load 等。
- 选择高质量的托管计划
- 确保插件和主题是最新的。
- 优化媒体文件
- 使用 CDN 服务
您可以使用以下 SEO 工具之一审核您网站的当前速度表现。 这些工具可以很好地帮助您了解您的网站的运行情况、需要改进的地方以及它们还为您提供了推荐的解决方案,以使您的网站更快、更好。
- Pingdom 速度工具
- GtMetrix
- PageSpeed 见解
Is on-page SEO important for a WordPress Website? Yes, On-site or On-page SEO is very important to make sure your website is free from potential errors that can prevent search engines to access and crawl your site. On-page SEO helps your website improve visibility in search engines like Google. Does this step by step WordPress SEO guide works for all WordPress website? Obviously, The steps explained above works excellent for all kind of WordPress sites and blogs. Can I increase my visitors by doing WordPress SEO? SEO improves the visibility and ranking of a website. By performing SEO on your WordPress website you can drastically improve ranking and visibility in the organic search results. Being on the top position gives added advantage to attract more visitors to your site. How long does it take to see result from WordPress SEO? SEO is never a quick jump. It takes hard work, patience, and a long term commitment. However, doing SEO can often give an instant boost to your website's performance that can be seen within weeks. Usually, getting a result from SEO takes a few months, depending upon your website's authority and your competition level.
Is on-page SEO important for a WordPress Website? Yes, On-site or On-page SEO is very important to make sure your website is free from potential errors that can prevent search engines to access and crawl your site. On-page SEO helps your website improve visibility in search engines like Google. Does this step by step WordPress SEO guide works for all WordPress website? Obviously, The steps explained above works excellent for all kind of WordPress sites and blogs. Can I increase my visitors by doing WordPress SEO? SEO improves the visibility and ranking of a website. By performing SEO on your WordPress website you can drastically improve ranking and visibility in the organic search results. Being on the top position gives added advantage to attract more visitors to your site. How long does it take to see result from WordPress SEO? SEO is never a quick jump. It takes hard work, patience, and a long term commitment. However, doing SEO can often give an instant boost to your website's performance that can be seen within weeks. Usually, getting a result from SEO takes a few months, depending upon your website's authority and your competition level.

Is on-page SEO important for a WordPress Website? Yes, On-site or On-page SEO is very important to make sure your website is free from potential errors that can prevent search engines to access and crawl your site. On-page SEO helps your website improve visibility in search engines like Google. Does this step by step WordPress SEO guide works for all WordPress website? Obviously, The steps explained above works excellent for all kind of WordPress sites and blogs. Can I increase my visitors by doing WordPress SEO? SEO improves the visibility and ranking of a website. By performing SEO on your WordPress website you can drastically improve ranking and visibility in the organic search results. Being on the top position gives added advantage to attract more visitors to your site. How long does it take to see result from WordPress SEO? SEO is never a quick jump. It takes hard work, patience, and a long term commitment. However, doing SEO can often give an instant boost to your website's performance that can be seen within weeks. Usually, getting a result from SEO takes a few months, depending upon your website's authority and your competition level.
Is on-page SEO important for a WordPress Website? Yes, On-site or On-page SEO is very important to make sure your website is free from potential errors that can prevent search engines to access and crawl your site. On-page SEO helps your website improve visibility in search engines like Google. Does this step by step WordPress SEO guide works for all WordPress website? Obviously, The steps explained above works excellent for all kind of WordPress sites and blogs. Can I increase my visitors by doing WordPress SEO? SEO improves the visibility and ranking of a website. By performing SEO on your WordPress website you can drastically improve ranking and visibility in the organic search results. Being on the top position gives added advantage to attract more visitors to your site. How long does it take to see result from WordPress SEO? SEO is never a quick jump. It takes hard work, patience, and a long term commitment. However, doing SEO can often give an instant boost to your website's performance that can be seen within weeks. Usually, getting a result from SEO takes a few months, depending upon your website's authority and your competition level.
Is on-page SEO important for a WordPress Website? Yes, On-site or On-page SEO is very important to make sure your website is free from potential errors that can prevent search engines to access and crawl your site. On-page SEO helps your website improve visibility in search engines like Google. Does this step by step WordPress SEO guide works for all WordPress website? Obviously, The steps explained above works excellent for all kind of WordPress sites and blogs. Can I increase my visitors by doing WordPress SEO? SEO improves the visibility and ranking of a website. By performing SEO on your WordPress website you can drastically improve ranking and visibility in the organic search results. Being on the top position gives added advantage to attract more visitors to your site. How long does it take to see result from WordPress SEO? SEO is never a quick jump. It takes hard work, patience, and a long term commitment. However, doing SEO can often give an instant boost to your website's performance that can be seen within weeks. Usually, getting a result from SEO takes a few months, depending upon your website's authority and your competition level.
Is on-page SEO important for a WordPress Website? Yes, On-site or On-page SEO is very important to make sure your website is free from potential errors that can prevent search engines to access and crawl your site. On-page SEO helps your website improve visibility in search engines like Google. Does this step by step WordPress SEO guide works for all WordPress website? Obviously, The steps explained above works excellent for all kind of WordPress sites and blogs. Can I increase my visitors by doing WordPress SEO? SEO improves the visibility and ranking of a website. By performing SEO on your WordPress website you can drastically improve ranking and visibility in the organic search results. Being on the top position gives added advantage to attract more visitors to your site. How long does it take to see result from WordPress SEO? SEO is never a quick jump. It takes hard work, patience, and a long term commitment. However, doing SEO can often give an instant boost to your website's performance that can be seen within weeks. Usually, getting a result from SEO takes a few months, depending upon your website's authority and your competition level.
Is on-page SEO important for a WordPress Website? Yes, On-site or On-page SEO is very important to make sure your website is free from potential errors that can prevent search engines to access and crawl your site. On-page SEO helps your website improve visibility in search engines like Google. Does this step by step WordPress SEO guide works for all WordPress website? Obviously, The steps explained above works excellent for all kind of WordPress sites and blogs. Can I increase my visitors by doing WordPress SEO? SEO improves the visibility and ranking of a website. By performing SEO on your WordPress website you can drastically improve ranking and visibility in the organic search results. Being on the top position gives added advantage to attract more visitors to your site. How long does it take to see result from WordPress SEO? SEO is never a quick jump. It takes hard work, patience, and a long term commitment. However, doing SEO can often give an instant boost to your website's performance that can be seen within weeks. Usually, getting a result from SEO takes a few months, depending upon your website's authority and your competition level.
Is on-page SEO important for a WordPress Website? Yes, On-site or On-page SEO is very important to make sure your website is free from potential errors that can prevent search engines to access and crawl your site. On-page SEO helps your website improve visibility in search engines like Google. Does this step by step WordPress SEO guide works for all WordPress website? Obviously, The steps explained above works excellent for all kind of WordPress sites and blogs. Can I increase my visitors by doing WordPress SEO? SEO improves the visibility and ranking of a website. By performing SEO on your WordPress website you can drastically improve ranking and visibility in the organic search results. Being on the top position gives added advantage to attract more visitors to your site. How long does it take to see result from WordPress SEO? SEO is never a quick jump. It takes hard work, patience, and a long term commitment. However, doing SEO can often give an instant boost to your website's performance that can be seen within weeks. Usually, getting a result from SEO takes a few months, depending upon your website's authority and your competition level.
总结 WordPress SEO 指南
想出一个完美的 SEO 策略总是很困难的。 每个网站都与其他网站不同。 但是,上述清单通常适用于任何 WordPress 网站和博客。
试试这个 SEO 清单,看看它是否对您的 WordPress 网站有任何影响。 如果您在某个时间点从事过此类 SEO 工作,请随时分享您使用 WordPress SEO 的经验,并记得提及帖子中可能遗漏的任何重要清单
- 如何使用 WordPress 制作电子商务商店
- 选择 SEO 友好主题时要考虑的 5 件事